Enock is a graduate from the Valley View University, with a BBA degree in Accounting. Additionally, he has an MSc in Development Finance from the University of Ghana, Legon.
He has over 9 years’ professional experience in association work, and was the first employee recruited by the Ghana Association of Savings and Loans Companies (GHASALC) in 2011. Previous positions held at the GHASALC Secretariat include Administrator, Monitoring & Evaluation Officer, Training Officer, and Member Relations Officer. Enock is currently the Research & Development Manager for the Association responsible for conducting researches, data management, website management, and organization of all major programs.
Enock has attended both local and international conferences and workshops, which includes the following:
- IFAD – Results and Impact Evaluation Systems (RIMS).
- Smart Campaign – Responsible Inclusive Finance.
- IFAD – Results-Based Project Management and Decision Processes
- Boulder Institute of Microfinance, Turin, Italy.
- Microfinance Information Exchange “Performance Monitoring & Analysis of Financial Services Providers”.
- Sustainable Microfinance and Development Programme (SMDP) Ghana – University of New Hampshire / Carsey Institute / Ghana
- Microfinance Institutions Network (GHAMFIN).
- Corporate Executive Management Training Program (CeMPT) in Banking. GIMPA.
Enock has gained a significant project experience as the key liaison officer for GHASALC on the following programs in Ghana: Rural and Agricultural Finance Program (RAFiP), Business Sector Advocacy Challenge (BUSAC) Fund, Small Enterprise Education and Promotion (SEEP) under GHAMFIN, Sustainable Microenterprise and Development Program (SMDP), and Program for Sustainable Economic Development (PSED).
Enock is result oriented and very passionate about working with a team on achieving project goals.